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With the aim of extending mutual collaboration based on the signed MOU, a delegation from North-Caucasus Federal University of Russia, visited Isfahan University of Technology on March 14, 2017.            This delegation headed by Prof. Yury Kononov, Director of the Institute of Electric Power Engineering, Electronics and Nano-Technologies of NCFU and attended by Dr. Vitaliy Tarala, Deputy Director for Innovative Development of this institute and Mr. Dmitrii Udod, Specialist on development of international relations of International cooperation department of NCFU, had a meeting with Prof. Mahboobi Soofiani, Director of International and Scientific Cooperation Office of IUT and several IUT officials to discuss about the ways of extending mutual collaboration between IUT and NCFU. During this meeting, Prof. Mahboobi Soofiani had a short presentation about IUT capabilities and facilities. The NCFU delegation members also had presentations about several institutes and departments of this university.Then parties had discussion about expanding collaboration in the fields of oil and gas, power engineering and Nano-Technology.           Visiting Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, IUT Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center and IUT Technology Incubation Center were other programs of the NCFU delegation during their visit from IUT.  North-Caucasus Federal University is one of the top universities of Russia with more than 240 thousand full-time, half-time and e-learning students in 192 majors in BSc, MSc and PhD level. A memorandum of understanding has been signed between IUT and NCFU during the second joint meeting of the Iranian and Russian top universities by Prof. Modarres Hashemi President of IUT and Prof. Alina A. Levitskaya, Rector of NCFU in October 2016.

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