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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 27 February 2024

Prestigious international Grants include:



1. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships


Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Fellowships are designed to support researchers coming to Europe or moving within Europe.


2. Alexander-von- Humboldt- Stiftung


Support during the research stay for researchers coming to Germany


3. Austrian Science Foundation, FWF


Programs to strengthen Austria's Science System


4. DAAD 


Here you can find information on various kinds of DAAD funding for foreign students, graduates and postdocs as well as on funding offered by other selected organizations


5. DFG 


Research Fellowships are intended to help early career researchers to conduct a defined project at a location of their choice in a country other than Germany and to use it as an opportunity to familiarise themselves with new research methods or to bring a large project to a conclusion


6. European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) Fellowships 

:Long Term Felowships


EMBO offers two year fellowships with a focus on international exchange. As such, movement between countries is a prerequisite of this biannual fellowship

  :Short Term Fellowship


Short-Term Fellowships fund research exchanges of up to three months between laboratories in eligible countries


7-  FEBS


This scholarship offers both Short-Term Fellowships and Long-Term Fellowships to members of the Constituent Societies, as well as Summer Fellowships to promising young students. It also offers Scholarships designed exclusively for members of Constituent Societies in certain disadvantaged FEBS countries. In addition, FEBS offers awards and follow-up grants to past holders of a FEBS Long-Term Fellowship. The fellowships and scholarships are intended to allow members of Constituent Societies working in a FEBS country to work in a laboratory in another FEBS country. Because of their young age, applicants for a Summer Fellowship need not be members of a FEBS Constituent Society


8. Human Frontiers Science Program (HFSP)


HFSP offers three year fellowships designed to encourage early stage scientists to broaden their research skills by moving into new areas of study while working in a new country. Fellows have the option of using the entire fellowship in the host country or may use the last year back in their home country


9. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal 


FCT supports the scientific community in Portugal through a range of funding schemes, tailored for individual scientists, research teams or R&D centres. Through its funding schemes, FCT supports graduate education, research and development, establishment and access to research infrastructures, networking and international collaborations, conferences and meetings, science communication and interactions with industry. Scientists from all nationalities, and in any research area, may apply to FCT for funding


10. IBRO (International Brain Research Organization) 


In Europe Short Stay Grants fund visits to European institutions by researchers living and working within Europe, so that they can acquire new methods or specific techniques that are necessary for their work. Also, The IBRO-APRC Exchange Fellowship aims to allow high-quality junior scientists at the level of postdoctoral fellow or junior faculty (under the age of 45) to broaden the scope of their training in neuroscience by working 4–6 months abroad in established laboratories. Both the applicant and the host laboratory have to be within the Asia Pacific Region


11. JSPS, Japan 


International Fellowships for Research in Japan


12. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Sweden  


Some Fellowships for Research in Sweden


13. NIH, US 


Some grants for Research in US

14. Ramon Areces Fundacion, Spain 


In the pursuit of excellence in the research process, the Ramón Areces Foundation sponsors scholarship programmes for study abroad to enable Spanish post-graduate students to study at some of the world's leading research centres


15. Suomen Akatemia, Finland  


The Academy of Finland funds cutting-edge and innovative research aiming at significant scientific  breakthroughs


16. Volkswagen Foundation 


Looking for a grant? Then use our search device to find the matching funding opportunity for your research proposal


17. Wellcome Trust UK 


If you’ve got a great idea in the areas we support, browse our grant schemes to find the one that’s right for you


18. Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) Travel Grants


The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds awards Travel Grants to junior researchers who are currently conducting an experimental project in basic biomedical research and wish to pursue a short-term research stay or attend a practical course of up to 3 months


19. FEBS Transcontinental Travel Grants for Young Scientists 


Travel Grants for Young Scientists. FEBS


20. Charlie Perkins Scholarships


Each year the Charlie Perkins Scholarship Trust offers Scholarships for Indigenous postgraduates to study for up to three years at either Cambridge or Oxford universities

To be considered for the Scholarship, applicants must have applied for a course at Cambridge and/or Oxford. Applicants must also submit

The Charlie Perkins Scholarships will only be awarded to students who are accepted to study at either Cambridge or Oxford. In most instances, admission will require a First Class Honours degree or a very strong Second Class Honours degree

 21.Chemnitz University of Technology (in Germany) Fellowships


Over the next few years, Technische Universität Chemnitz (TU Chemnitz) aims to explicitly and sustainably support young academics and doctoral candidates. Within the internationalisation strategy, provisions are made to professionalise existing structures in this field and develop suitable support and funding measures for young academics. The new project InProTUC (abbreviation for International Promovieren an der TU Chemnitz/Doing a doctorate at TU Chemnitz) is a major step towards this goal. It allows TU Chemnitz to further internationalise the doctorate and to explore new strategies of internationalisation

22.Churchill Trust Fellowship


Churchill Fellowships allow you to design your own research project, travel the world and further your knowledge in your chosen field, before returning to make a real contribution to Australian society.

23.Hong Kong PhD Fellowships Scheme :


The scheme aims to attract top international students to undertake a PhD in Hong Kong for up to 3 years.

Value: HK$301,200 per annum

Allowances: Conference and research related travel allowance of HK$12,600 per annum

24. Monbukagakusho Scholarship for Overseas International Research Students


Ritsumeikan University offers opportunities for overseas scholars seeking to study at in Japan with the assistance of scholarships financed by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho). These scholarships will be made available to students whose applications are approved by Monbukagakusho, based on recommendations from Ritsumeikan University. Ritsumeikan University would be pleased to recommend students from who wish to take advantage of this opportunity to undertake postgraduate studies in Japan.

Scholarship benefits include a living allowance, tuition fees and return flights.

25. Rhodes Scholarship:


Established in the will of Cecil Rhodes in 1902, the Rhodes is the oldest and perhaps the most prestigious international graduate scholarship program in the world.

26. Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships:


The Swiss government awards postgraduate scholarships to foreign researchers through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS).

27. University of Tokyo Research Internship Program (UTRIP):


UTRIP is a 6-week summer internship program for students majoring in natural science and other relevant fields. It provides students with an opportunity to gain the experience of "real graduate-school life" or "research-centered life." UTRIP is a gateway to pursuing an advanced degree and experiencing academic life at our university. Participants on UTRIP will also be granted financial support to cover their costs and expenses. They will also get the opportunity to take part in cultural activities and excursions to learn more about Japan.

28.The Global Science Course (GSC):


GSC is an undergraduate transfer program that was designed to enhance cross-cultural interactions among young minds and foster the next generation of leaders in science. Students study alongside current UTokyo students in an all-English and research-focused academic environment, which includes rotations in world-renowned laboratories. Successful applicants to this program are also provided a monthly scholarship as well as fully supported accommodation. This is an invaluable opportunity for those looking to expand their worldviews and experience something unique during their time as an undergraduate student specializing in the sciences. 
















































































































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